Instructor: Deena Aranoff
Please join us for a three -part series devoted to the world of rabbinic midrash. We will explore rabbinic storytelling, interpretation and debate. We will meet iconic rabbinic figures such as Hillel and Shamai, and study a selection of texts that articulate foundational perspectives within rabbinic culture.
Registration Information
Format: This class will be offered in person on November 3, 10, & 17 at CBT.
Registration Fee: The class fee is $72/person for members and $100/person for guests.
About Deena Aranoff
Deena Aranoff is Faculty Director of the Richard S. Dinner Center for Jewish studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. She teaches rabbinic literature, medieval patterns of Jewish thought, and the broader question of continuity and change in Jewish history. Her recent publications engage with the subject of childcare, maternity and the making of Jewish culture.
CBT Members: Please log in to your ShulCloud account before registering.